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Seek Hot Sex Naughty Word Search Dirty Talk Foreplay Games for Lesbians

Are you looking for ways to spice up your relationship and improve your sex life? A few games of Seek Hot Sex for women only is just what you need to enjoy more exciting sexual adventures in and out of the bedroom. This naughty lesbian couples game is an erotic variation of the paper-based battleships game with a sexy twist. Instead of hunting ships, you’re trying to find dirty words that include erogenous zones, foreplay actions and pleasuring accessories. Short, extra naughty phrases are sprinkled in to spice it up even more. When you hit the mark and discover a trigger word, there will be some dirty talk.

Of course, hot dirty talk will only stoke the flames of your desire. Aural sex will lead to oral sex soon enough. As your naughty word find continues, everything will be revealed. You’ll then have the opportunity to take action and satisfy your lust for booty. Discover the most pleasure treasures to win. You’ll need strategy and a kinky imagination to get ahead and come first in this love battle.

This adult game design is based on our Oral Sex Hunter variation of battleship. With some graph paper, you can make your own without the dirty word search. To save you some time, we’ve created a ready made book with the naughty words randomly placed for you in a sea of letters. Two versions of the game books are available from Amazon:

You can use the look inside feature available on Amazon to review the content design. We also have straight and gay versions in a similar format but with completely different word puzzles.

To add even more sexy fun, we’ve added mines and traps in with the ships. Presto, it now includes stripping, drinking, and truth or dare games for lesbian couples all combined in one. When playing this bedroom battleships game, remember, “Sunk Ships Lead To Loose Lips” (or something like that). Hopefully, you won’t encounter any salty seamen.

The book contains 50 hard word puzzles for adults designed to stimulate more than your dirty minds. Each is organized in a 26×30 grid pattern with a corresponding blank grid on the back of the page. The blank grids are used for scoring hits. Each filled grid contains over 80 sex-related words randomly selected from thousands specially chosen. For two players, this gives you 25 bedroom battle games that are completely different each time.

Note: If you’re currently away from the woman you love (or expect to be), order a copy for each of you. Then, you can keep the sexual fires burning bright by playing over the phone or via a chat/video app. The hot dirty talk aspect of the game makes it great for spicing up long-distance relationships with phone sex or cybersex. There are no answer pages provided to prevent “cheating” in this type of scenario. The naughty word seek grids are not easily identifiable either, so she won’t be able to find the one you’re using and hunt without the fog of war hiding your erotic secrets.

This book of naughty games for lesbian couples makes a delightful Anniversary, Christmas, Valentine’s Day or Birthday gift. You can keep the pleasure coming throughout the year for any occasion. It’s great for vacations and travel too. Order a copy for you and your wife or girlfriend today. Then, get ready to heat up your love life with some Shockingly Awesome sex play!

Spice up your relationship today. Order Your Copy of Seek Hot Sex Today – get a few extra to give out as naughty lesbian gifts for the women in your life.

Cheaters Version

The original books listed above contain lots of hard word puzzles for adults. As mentioned, to prevent players from “cheating”, no hints or answer pages are provided. But, when intended for mutual pleasure, all’s fair in your bedroom love battles. Why not play dirty? The books below expose all the naughty secrets, so you can get the sex play you want, how you want it. Even with these cheat codes, you can still play these lesbian foreplay games together. It’s just not as hard.

Each of the Secret Lesbian Cheaters Handbooks contain the solution to 50 dirty word find puzzles. They provide the answer keys for all the puzzles in the original female only version. They are in the same order but with no title or page number to identify them. The game can still be played since only you will know what and where your word ships are. Your lover will know her own sexual secrets for you to discover if you dare.


Special Note: While searching for the best way to market our battleship-style adult games on Amazon, we discovered another variation. It comes in a nice box with sets of cards and booklets. It is a little more expensive. Still, it appears to be a fun game to consider trying out for yourself. We have not yet had a chance to purchase it so we can play and fully review it. From the comments, it does seem to be somewhat tame as a sex game.

Stimulate Your Naughty Desires and …
Enjoy Even Better Sex!

We hope you’re always on the lookout for more ways to enhance your relationship and spice up your love life. We believe a vibrant sex life is essential to maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. It’s also a vital aspect of your personal well-being. The shared intimacy and pleasures of lovemaking are something we all need. But we also crave passion and excitement to keep us feeling more alive. Satisfy your desires by continuing to learn about and experiment with creative ways to make sex thrilling together. Challenge each other to step out of your sexual comfort zone and explore your full erotic potential.

You may also be interested in our other naughty games for lesbian couples:

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